Letter of Map Amendment (6)
Address Point (7)
Road Symbols (8)
2' Contours (9)
Parcel Lines (10)
| Right of Way |
| Centerline |
| TaxParcel |
| Description Line |
| Easement |
| Water |
Major Roads (11)
Roads (12)
| Federal |
| State |
| County |
| Municipal |
| Town |
| Private |
| State Forest |
| County Forest |
Railroads (13)
| In Use |
Leader Lines (14)
| Dimension |
| Other |
| Point of Tangency |
| SurveyedLand |
| <all other values> |
Ownership Hooks (15)
FIRM Index Map (16)
WaterBody (17)
Wetlands (18)
FEMA Flood Data (19)
PLSS Boundary (20)
Tax Parcels (21)
PLSSSection (22)
CivilDivision (23)
Approximate Zip Code (24)
| 54428 |
| 54435 |
| 54463 |
| 54487 |
| 54501 |
| 54521 |
| 54529 |
| 54531 |
| 54538 |
| 54539 |
| 54543 |
| 54548 |
| 54558 |
| 54562 |
| 54564 |
| 54568 |
Oneida County Zoning (25)
| Business B-1 |
| Business B-2 |
| Forestry 1A |
| Forestry 1B |
| Forestry 1C |
| General Use |
| Manufacturing and Industrial |
| Multiple Family |
| Recreational |
| Residential and Farming |
| Residential and Retail |
| Rural Residential |
| See Zoning Document |
| Single Family |
| Unzoned |
City of Rhinelander Zoning (26)
| Neighborhood Business |
| Central Business |
| General Business |
| Community Building |
| Conservation & Recreation |
| Light Industrial |
| General Industrial |
| Institutional |
| Single-family Residential |
| Single and Two-family Residential |
| Mixed Residential |
| Planned Development |